Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quick Update

I haven't been very active with the blog this week mainly because I am currently focusing on the music side of things. There's been a lot of practicing for future gigs, learning new songs, etc. and so my brain is tuned more for that than the literary stuff. I'm so nervous about performing again—just the thought of it has surfaced all my insecurities. But I do feel I've been running from it and it's time to face up to the challenge. I think some people are natural born performers . . . I'm not one of them. I'm a natural born dreamer. I'm pretty good at words, can play guitar fairly decent. Performing is my nemesis and I wouldn't think of doing it at all, but some friends have urged me to go out there again.

Well, anyway, that's what is happening around here. Wish me luck and I wish you mountains of luck with your endeavors. I'll still be posting, just not as much from the look of things.



  1. I'm working on it : )

    Forgot to say, another reason I haven't been on here that much is because of Pilates. Yep. Kinda painful, but I love it. It's nice and peaceful and it totally centers me.

  2. Amy - your voice is beautiful. I wish you everything with your singing career that you wish yourself. Shall miss your blogs but keep in touch when you can. Will you be posting on MY Space like you did with 'Meadowland'? Keep up with your writing too when you can. Love Molly xx

  3. Thank you Molly! Hopefully I'll still be on here a lot. Thanks for the love xx


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