Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No show for snow

Since we're not getting any snow here yet, or . . . ever, I'll just make my own blizzard blog and then curl up with a mug of hot cocoa and Talli Roland's book, The Hating Game on Kindle.


  1. I'll send Ohio's snow your way. :)
    We've already gotten a little bit and we're supposed to get more this weekend. Certainly not a blizzard, but more than I care to see!

  2. Go ahead and send it. I'm ready, haha.

  3. Amy I'm well ready now to swap our snow and ice for your hot chocolate! We just about managed to get out today mainly because we had to pick up my hubs prescription from the doctors and did a bit of food shopping as well!

  4. It's all well and good dreaming of snow. But believe me, when it comes it's bloody cold and a bloody nuisance! Get your shovel out!

  5. Okay guys, I get the point. I'll quit wishing for snow. For a few days.

  6. Aw, thank you Amy! :) Hope you enjoy the book! I'll send some snow from the UK your way. They can't deal with it here.

  7. I heard our snow for Saturday may not happen, so . . . send it on over!


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