Friday, February 4, 2011

Cool News

Remember that show I was in last summer, the Women of Rock? Well, I hate to toot my own horn, but it was voted #1 Community show AND #1 overall show by local KCStage magazine for 2010.

It was so much fun to be in that show. Yes, we had to work our butts with only a few weeks to rehearse and learn dance routines in the hottest room known to man. Our directer, a brilliant, brilliant man, was ready to chew our heads off and eat them for stew. But . . . it was amazing and I'd do it again.

Getting to play Joni Mitchell, I mean, that will always remain in my mind as one of the most beautiful moments in my life. Every night I danced around backstage to Janis Joplin singing "Bobby McGee", flower in my guitar head, a few braids strewn in my hair, bare feet. I'd saunter out on stage when she was done, and become Joni. I loved to hear people laugh when I made the last note, high to low, "parking lot." So cool.

Okay, I'm gonna cry.

Another thing I remember is not being able to write anything because I had to devote myself to learning the lyrics (tons of lyrics) and dance steps (not a good dancer). So I had a couple of stories built up in me the whole time, and when it was over I wrote Ned's Bed and a few others. It showed me how much I love to write, and how if I don't, it will force itself out regardless. I also devoured a couple of books after that. Good times.

So, just wanted to share that. What's up with the weekend my friends? I'm excited because I heard James McMurtry is gonna come to town in March, as well as Merle Haggard. Can't wait!


  1. That's so awesome about the show. Congrats Amy! :)

    And, I know what you mean about stories forcing their way out regardless of what's going on in your life. Even when I'm super busy and don't have a lot of time to write, I'm still always coming up with story ideas to come to when I do have the time.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. It's all coming together. Bit by bit.

    Hope your snow has cleared. Good weekend to you, Amy. Congrats, Cro

  3. Congratulations Amy! How cool!!! I'm sure it was well deserved, you are in fact amazing on the blog so I know in real person you have to be just as cool (if not cooler)!!!

  4. Congrats! That is such great news! I've been stuck at home basically all week because of our crazy Texas weather, but it's been nice. I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. That's fantastic - congrats! It sounds like you had such a great experience doing that show!

  6. Thank you everybody!! Wow, you guys rock and I'm so glad to be friends with you!!

  7. Well done Amy! Just one thing - when you finished 'Parking Lot', I REALLY hope you didn't copy that mad laugh she does at the very end.

  8. The director wanted me to do the laugh because it was on the recording, and he was after a close representation of each hit song. But, yeah, I felt rather silly each time I had to pretend to be giddy with myself like that. My awesome guitar playing made up for it though, lol.

  9. Amy - brilliant news. Congratulations from me too. I missed your blog on 'Women of Rock' Would love it if you could put up a link so I can read up on it. Love your voice.

  10. Thank you Molly! I don't think I had any big posts regarding the show back then, but here are a few links you might like. Rehearsals got so intense I stopped blogging for a week or so. Shew! The memories!

  11. Amy I've just found your links - I am impressed - you so deserve that award!! I would have loved to have been in the audience! Blondie as well - I love her music!

  12. *Blushing, here* thank you Molly! Really though, the show was great because it so many talented women were together at the same time. I mean, that's really it. I was in awe of all these fabulous gals who could belt it like Tina Turner and Janis Joplin and Carly Simon, etc. Truly amazing.

  13. Very cool and you should toot your own horn. Best wishes for more good news for 20111

  14. Congrats Amy!! Hasn't 2011 been a great year so far! :)

    xoxo, The BooKrushers.


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