Monday, February 14, 2011

I *heart* you!

Happy Valentine's Day to every one of my blogger friends. I hope you have a beautiful day with lots of love, sunshine and chocolate! Here's a clip from a movie I've always loved. I even wrote a song about it. It includes the great Alan Bates, whom I have always loved, madly, madly. Yes, he had some secrets, but who cares.

The clip is long, so I understand if you don't want to watch, but if you do you'll see greatness. This is what love really is. Excitement and pain. Lots and lots of pain.


  1. Hope your day is filled with love, sunshine, and chocolate, too. :)

  2. Hope the postman managed to fit all your post in the box today.

    Bisou from France. Cro x

  3. Happy Valentines day to you too Amy. Hope you're having a lovely day! That was a really good clip, enjoyed it!

  4. No brimming mailbox yet : )

    Cro and Molly xxxxxx

  5. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! :)

  6. cracking blog
    just had a bit of delve!
    Rear fav too!!!
    is is James S.....Grace or Thelma?
    for me its Thelma!
    will be back
    (Wales>.... in the middle of nowhere!)

  7. That's cracking of you to say so John. I'm glad you're here! Haha, it would have been hilarious to have a Thelma in Rear Window. Glad you like her!

  8. Happy happy Valentine's Day! :)Hoe you had a good one.


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