Thursday, March 31, 2011

Limbo Polka

I'm mostly in songwriting mode these days, capitalizing on this time of being accepted by a publisher. I did receive good word the other day that they were thoroughly impressed with my revisions. Yay! I should get word later this month . . . which is today, haha, I know they meant later in April. I'm actually glad for the lapse while things are decided. I got some songs to write.

What's up in your world lovelies? Is the weather nice? Any plants sprouting? Seen any good movies? Read any good books? Tell me, do.


  1. Weather dull, still snowing, watched Idol last night (total waste of time), recovering from "something", joined A-Z, husband now has the bug (hah! there is a God), listening to John Mayer, pussywillows look close to cutting time if the rabbits leave me any.....and that's me. Thanks for asking.

  2. I'm in songwriting mode to at the moment. Such a lovely place to be isn't it? :o) Sending you more songwriting energy your way!

  3. mybabyjohn-I can't believe it's still snowing. Glad you;'re recovering, this has been a tough year!

    Jessica- Haha, it's lovely . . .and then it's not. Thank you for the good vibes and sending you the same!

  4. Rather turned miserable...will compensate with bottle of wine...things looking better already!!

  5. Fantastic news on the revisions! Yay!

    All good here. Spring has sprung!

  6. Weather rainy and cold, trying to make my mood not reflective of the outside, seeds are germanating, grass is getting greener and life is OK. Hope your good news keeps coming. The world needs more music and song.

  7. Cro- glad things are looking better. Peace.

    Talli- Thank you, and yay for spring!

    Starting Over- Thank you!

  8. Gray weather. Rain, which we need so I'm not complaining. I started reading The Painted Veil (stunning) by W. Somerset Maugham (long before your time); and got side-tracked by the true story, ghost written by a good writer friend of mine: The Smuggler's Ghost. The writing is A+. I'll be posting a review when I finish it.

    Thanks for asking. See you on the A to Z.

  9. Both books sound interesting Ann. As you know, I partial to ghosts : ) Best wishes on the A to Z!

  10. Happy A Day =)
    Good luck with the songwriting - stay in the mood!

  11. Songwriting. I love it, but I never get the chance to do it. Great work talking to a publisher!

  12. Thank you Rebecca, nice to have you here!



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