Saturday, April 30, 2011


And finally Y is for You. Blogger is filled with so many kind, intelligent, creative, funny people all striving toward perfection and seeking support, or maybe sometimes just a moment to laugh. From the day I first signed up I've been in awe at the immense talent. Whether you're a mom or a writer, an artist or a horticulturist—You inspire. You make people laugh. You make people think. You bare your soul. You are beautiful.


  1. It's been fun and it's been eye opening. I have enjoyed your posts. And now, a national holiday from A-Z'ing....I'm calling it National Blog Free Day.....

  2. Big YES to that! I gotta rehearse for a gig anyway.

    Thanks for leaving comments each day--I enjoyed every single one.

  3. Blogger buddies are the best! Have a great weekend :))

  4. Always a good post! Hope You and Yours have a good weekend. Can't wait to see what you do with Z.

  5. Geez, I was supposed to do Z for today and I did Y again. I've had migraines for a few days. Z will be on Sunday I guess.

  6. This goes for you too. The best thing about the Challenge has been meeting you and all the others. There are so many great blogs, great friends to be and so much to learn and enjoy on the blogs and the Challenge helped me find some of those.--Inger

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Aw, thank you Canyon that was seriously very sweet!

    Elizabeth- Yay! Thank you!

  9. Ahh, all warm and fuzzy, nope, nope that's a hot flash, none-the-less glad to find ay.

  10. Aw, what a nice thing to say. Love your spirit! Glad I stopped by here on the last day of the challenge.

    Nice to meet you, and congrats on completing it! :)


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