Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fabric Blog Tour!

Today I'm celebrating the release of Jessica Bell's new poetry collection, Fabric ... Wait! Please don't close the tab at the the mention of poetry! Trust me, just read a little note from the author herself before deciding to disappear ...

Jessica says:
My poetry will not baffle you with phrasing that scholars award for academic genius and that can only be understood by those who wrote it. My poetry is for the everyday reader. In fact, it is even for those who don’t like to read poetry at all. Because it is real, stark and simple.

The poems in Fabric are no different. They explore specific moments in different people’s lives that are significant to whom they have become, the choices they’ve made. It’s about how they perceive the world around them, and how each and every one of their thoughts and actions contributes to the fabric of society. Perhaps you will even learn something new about yourself.

So, even if you do not usually read poetry, I urge you to give this one a go. Not because I want sales (though, they are fun!), but because I want more people to understand that not all poetry is scary and complex. Not all poetry is going to take you back to high school English, and not all poetry is going make you feel “stupid”.

You can still say to people that you don’t read poetry … I really don’t mind. Because if you read Fabric, you’re not reading poetry, you’re reading about people. And that’s what reading is about, yes? Living the lives of others?
Are you still here? I hope so!

Please support the life of poetry today by spreading the news about Fabric. Hey, perhaps you might even like to purchase a copy for yourself? The e-book is only $1.99 and the paperback $5.50.

Here are the links:

Let's keep poetry alive! Because not all poetry is "dead" boring ...

About Jessica Bell:

If Jessica Bell could choose only one creative mentor, she’d give the role to Euterpe, the Greek muse of music and lyrics. And not because she currently lives in Greece, either. The Australian-native author, poet and singer/songwriter/guitarist has her roots firmly planted in music, and admits inspiration often stems from lyrics she’s written.

She is the Co-Publishing Editor of Vine Leaves Literary Journal, and co-hosts the Homeric Writers' Retreat & Workshop on the Greek Isle of Ithaca, with Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest.

For more information about Jessica Bell, please visit:


My review of Fabric:

In an appealing format with Greek text sprinkled throughout, Fabric is a beautiful new poetry collection from prolific musician and author, Jessica Bell. 

I've always been jealous of poets. And more than that, those with such a lyrical ability to capture life on page in the same simplicity that I might take a breath. I'm jealous of people like Jessica Bell. In Fabric, page after page, she transcribes her life down to the simplest detail with an eye of grace. Each poem averages the length of one page, just enough to tell a story in a few seconds. She covers her life in Greece—little things like butter knives, women making baklava, flying scarves, skinny dipping in blue waters. She captures it all with her own style of femininity and a little touch of morbidness that sometimes equates to humor, sometimes sadness. 

Perhaps because of her musical background, Jessica Bell has a lovely way with alliteration. Her words smack like bubble gum, and deliver the tiny intricacies of everyday life in flowing, beautiful form. It was a pleasure to read. 


  1. Thank you so much, Amy! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Interesting that you think the poems are about MY life ... ;o)

  2. Firstly, she does look rather nice. Secondly, I dislike poetry that knowingly tries to make me feel like an idiot, so maybe this is for me. I must say, I'm not really a poetry person, other than W B Yeats and a few others.

  3. I'm going to give it a go, Amy. It's ordered for my Kindle!

  4. Yay for Jess! I really enjoyed Fabric.

  5. I second, Talli. Yay for Jess! I need to do bettr with my own writing lately. I, too, have little ones who like to be on the computer all the time. I finally put a password on the computer so I can lock my 5-year-old out.


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