Friday, June 8, 2012

Is This Thing On?

Can't believe I'm finally on my blog again. Some sort of lower life form (kid) is always on this here computer and I have to fight to get a snippet of internet time. Now that I'm here, I can't think of anything to write about. Okay, I'll update you on the kittens. They're pretty much weaned and ready to go. I've been sweating it out trying to find good homes for them. I wanted to keep them with close family, but beggars can't be too choosy if you know what I mean. The neighbor girl wanted Coco, and I thought about it all last weakened. But then something terrible happened. The little neighbor boy put Camille in our toilet. I heard a screech and ran through the hall and saw Julia cradling the poor thing with a towel. Julia told me what the little boy had done, with shocked eyes and voice. I praised her over and over for saving the little baby! It all happened so fast—I was putting away the toy horn the little boy had just been chasing kittens with, blasting in their ears. I'm still in shock! So, anyway, I'm not going to let any kittens go over there. No way. No how.

My beautiful niece Rose wants Picasso (which, er, happens to be a girl and not a boy, so La Picasso is her new name). I don't blame her. La Picasso is a calm, sweet, lovely kitten with beautiful markings. I was thinking of keeping her myself, but I'm so happy Rose will take her home. 

Coco, the cute rascal, might end up a barn cat at a famous golf star's house. It's a long story, but the wife of the famous golf star says she needs two barn cats, so Coco and Camille (whom we now know is a boy so I've aptly started calling Camille BRUCE to toughen him up) might go live the wild life together. 

That leaves me with little Opera. All black, with triangle head and sharp eyes. She looks like a bat. Bat Cat. She loves to be in my lap, and she reminds me of my beautiful cat that died last year so I can't not keep her. 

So that's it. I gotta start writing. Actually, I'm reading The Grapes of Wrath right now, but I'm going to try to write a little each day to get back on track. 

How is everything in your part of the world?


  1. You've done well finding homes for them.

  2. About 15 years ago someone emptied a sackful of Siamese kittens in the woods about 8 kms from us. Whenever we took that route we would see one or two by the side of the road, or sitting on a pile of wood. I passed by recently at night, and was pleased to see that a few of their descendants are still living there and looking good. Tough cookies!

    1. I'm going to start feeding Bruce some beef and lager.

  3. Sorry to other little girl won't be able to get a kitten. But the young fellow gave sufficient foreshadowing of the poor kitty's future so smart move. Glad the other kittens are also getting the paws into other homes.

    Keep with the writing, as I, too, am writing and revising and critting my katosh off :-)

    1. I just know good things are coming your way!

  4. I love how you care for each and every kitten and that you have named them so beautifully. So sad that a little boy would do something like that to a poor helpless creature.

  5. Kids and kitty cats. Never a dull moment, is there? I hear ya! New follower, btw. I'm hopping around looking for interesting blogs to follow (yours is awesome!) and hoping the bloggers will return the favor. If you want to reciprocate I'm at and Yes, I have two blogs! One focuses on all things fantasy, the genre of my debut novel which will be out later this year. The other one focuses on writing in general and historical tidbits, as I also dabble in historical fiction. Follow one or both; doesn't matter to me. I look forward to your posts! :D

    1. tTanks for stopping by. I'll hop over to your blog!

  6. All is well in my world. I just had that infected tooth removed yesterday and am spending today doing nothing. Not quite true, I did write a review of Dulcy and Dee Ready's latest book and published it on amazon today and will post it on my blog tomorrow. I mention this because their first book was one of the best books I have ever read and this one is very good too. Just saying.....since you clearly are a cat lover. Oh, can we see some pictures of the kittens and mama cat, please?

    1. Glad your trouble is over with the tooth. And thank you for the book mention--I'll put it on my to read list for sure!

  7. Even at only three, putting a kitten in a toilet is disturbing behavior. I hope his parents are aware of his propensity. Glad the kittens are finding homes. It's always hard.

    1. He's actually five (which makes it worse, I know). I sent him home immediately that day with a stern warning to tell his nana. Not a good situation. I want to be kind, and also to be a good mentor, but I also can't allow things like that to happen all the time.

  8. Oh no! Amy, the little divil putting Coco down the toilet. Heaven knows what would have happened if he'd flushed the chain - doesn't bear thinking about. What a good job Julia was on hand. There's no way you could let that little kitten go to those people. Hope you get them all settled into good homes

    1. When I asked him why he did it, he just smiled with a little devilish glint in his eye. That's when I knew it wasn't just an accident. Oy! I still can't believe it happened. Just thinking he could have flushed her makes my heart go all screwy.

  9. It is so hard to 1) find "good" homes for the kittens, and 2) part with them.

    Good for Julia for coming to the rescue.


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