Friday, July 20, 2012

Anther Stop on The Soul Seekers Blog Tour

Hello! Today I'm guest hosting for the sweet and lovely Angela Brown over at In a Pursuit of Publishness. Hop on over if you can! Angela is a gifted writer herself, and I expect we'll see her work being published before long.

We had a little rain yesterday morning. It did little for the heat, but the birds were extremely happy, as I'm sure those deer in the forest were as well. Let's hope for more rain in the near future, and a little break in the heat.

So, I haven't had a vacation in a LONG time. Probably wouldn't want to drive anywhere in this heat, but during an ideal summer I'd dream of packing the car to go to Colorado, or maybe the Grand Canyon, or perhaps the Badlands up in South Dakota. Planning trips are fun, but kids complaining in the backseat for hours on end kind of ruins the dream. My mom used to do it though. We'd get in the car—and this is back before iPads and things like that—and endure ends miles of being strapped to a hot vinyl seat in a not-so-big tomato red Pinto. Do you remember playing games like Slug Bug, or trying to make semi's honk their horns? My favorite thing was to read the highway billboards: EAT AT HANK'S CAFE-JUST A 1/2 MILE DOWN THE ROAD~~GIANT CINNAMON ROLLS-NEXT LEFT~~KIDS! COME SEE THE BIGGEST DINOSAUR BONES IN THE WORLD-CANDY, FUN, SWIMMING, GAMES!  "Mom, can we go there?" "No."

If you could go anywhere today, what would it be?


  1. I'm going on Sunday! To France in the beautiful Lot! Kids are no fun on holidays unless it is all about them -- which usually means lots of money and lots of noise ;-)

    I am so excited for you and your book -- and am looking forward to reading it soon. The whole experience should be a wonderful adventure for you.

    1. Thank you. It's very nice to finally have people reading my book. Scary, but nice!

  2. Back to a gentler time.

  3. Dear Amy, if I could travel to a geographical area, I'd like to go to Chester, England, and see the wall the Romans built. (I read about this on a blog today.) Or I'd go back to Greece and visit Delphi and Dodona again.

    If I could travel within, I'd want what your last commentator wants--"a gentler time" with more civility.


    1. I'd go to Greece too. I had many dreams about it as a child.

  4. To be honest, I'm really happy to stay at home. We have family arriving in a week's time, so lots to do.

    Otherwise my favourite destination for relaxing is the tiny island of Formentera (near Ibiza). Perfect.

    1. Sounds lovely. But I really am a homebody like you. It's nice to get way for a while, but not too long.

  5. I used to love to travel, but since flying has become such a chore, I'd rather stay home. Most of all though, I like to sleep in my own bed.

    Only two more weeks till the official publishing of your book. I can't wait to read it.

  6. Oh, those vacations. The kids remember them well. But their kids expect so much more of their vacations. It's not all bad..they listen to books enroute. But, I miss the games and conversation.

    1. I love the audio books for road trips too! Though while working at the library, I heard a story of a woman whose husband was so into their current set of tapes that he forgot to wait for her at a bathroom break at a highway gas station. Not good!


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