Monday, July 30, 2012

Continuing Heat

Still enjoying the Olympics, but it is always a disappointment to invest so much time in front of the tv only to watch your favorite player lose. I'm guessing they're a little bit more disappointed than me, though! These are all kids, really, and their entire life counts on two short weeks. I can't imagine the pressure they are going through.

Okay, so it's still blazing hot outside. No one goes out anymore, so the Olympics are well timed. I keep hoping fall will come early, but I doubt it will. Fall will wait until the last minute, show up right around October, then disappear to make room for winter. Tank tops to sweaters. But if fall does want to show up early, why, it's more than welcome. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, knowhatimean?

I see you folks across the pond are finally getting your summer. Any traditions for these warmer nights? Cool drinks? A lighter menu? I tend to eat smaller meals during the summer, and find that I can't handle liquor very well--though I still try, haha. I'm talking red wine, though. It makes my skin flush, and when I'm hot already it's just a bad combination. I do what we're all supposed to be doing anyway: drink water. And with a drought going on, believe me, I'm lucky to have it. Water is so precious.

Just a reminder that The Soul Seekers is available for Kindle and Nook for the nifty price of $4.99.


  1. We eat a lot less in the summer; it all gets burnt on the BBQ.

  2. I dont think that I've watched the Olympics since the late 1980s, I've been kind of busy,lol. Richard

    1. I guess so! Nothing wrong with that, though.

  3. It's hot here too, but not as hot as it could be, but it will come this week. The heat. I like beer in the hot weather, but can only have one with my dinner. Not very good at drinking. And, of course, lots of water all day long. It's so dry here, you shrivel up otherwise. I'm still not sure if I will get a Kindle, but at those prices, how can you go wrong?

    1. I hope you don't get this heat. It does seem like the temps might be trending back down steadily, so let's hope we never see these 107 days again.

  4. I tend to eat more ice cream in the summer. Of course, it is Weight Watchers or Skinny Cow. That way I. Can eat twice as much.

    The heat is not so bad here, but the humidity is a killer.

    Next week I will be downloading The Soul Seekers to read on my vacation. I plan on going to cool places with ocean breezes.

  5. Unlike there, we tend to get a decent fall. It's spring that gets by-passed. We go from winter to wet season to hundred degree temps! Very little spring. I'm looking forward to fall, too, though. One of my favorite seasons! :D

    1. I hope we have an early, very extended fall this year. Dreaming . . .

  6. my kids are glued to the Olympics...they cannot decide if they should find out ahead of time or just wait for prime time here...they have been finding out ahead of time...go USA! fun to watch...
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.


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