Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Heat (BOO!) and a guest post (Yay!)

Good Morning! Oh, I'll say that in a quieter voice for those of you still waking up. *Good Morning* It's going to be another scorcher here in Kansas, but it's only the beginning of a long stretch of massive heat. It looks something like this:

Just looking at that makes me want to fill the bathtub up with ice. I can't wait for fall. I hope it's cooler in your area!

The lovely Jessica Bell has allowed me to hijack her blog for one day, so if you have some extra time hop on over to read a little about my journey as a writer and musician. A big thanks again to Jessica for having me as a guest!


  1. Love that weather forecast pic! So funny! :D

  2. I'm just back from Jessica's.

    Hot here too Amy. Not too many clothes being worn, dogs panting wherever they find shade, and a lot of pool frolics. I suppose that's Summer!

  3. Sorry about the heat wave. We've been dealing with about 100 degree heat too. It sucks.

  4. When it is so hot like this, I wish Johnny Carson was still around to answer," How hot is it". Here is one that I got off of the Internet: "It is so hot, fire ants are carrying personal fans." There were many that were so much funnier, but I don't want to offend anyone.

    I am going over to Jessica's now to check out your guest post.

    1. I miss Johnny Carson. He was a true original.

  5. We will all know the maning of exponential before this summer ends.

  6. What a summer we are having, take care in the heat, Amy.

  7. Yikes! Stay cool, Amy. Feel free to send some of that heat to London!

    1. I'll send a little--but you don't want this stuff!

  8. Amy I'm wearing two sweaters as I type this - honestly. Been catching up on your blog tour - great stuff :)

    1. Two sweaters?? Well, that makes me worry about winter. I don't like this heat, but I'm not ready to be that cold yet, either.

  9. The smell... The aroma of libraries , large and small, but especially the small, like a newly cracked book, evokes many memories. All pleasant.


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