Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you're having the kind of day you dreamed about all year. Thank you to each and all who have helped and comforted me in 2012. I hope I was able to do the same for you, but if not, I'll try harder in the coming year. Also, thank you to my publisher WiDo! You are awesome!

Below is what I bought for myself this Christmas. It's a stockpile of retro young adult fiction, and I've already gone through a couple of them! One even has an old library card in it with names and signatures ranging from 1977 and up. I love that.

What did you buy for yourself this year?

Safe travels and Best Wishes!


  1. Dear Amy. So glad you've had a lovely day. Mine has been special too - in fact one of the best ever. I didn't have great expectations this year - my O/H has not been too well and having a rush of hospital appts right up to Christmas Eve, I didn't have time to put a Christmas tree up or any decorations. I didn't buy myself anything but I've been blessed with people more than I can say. You are one of those. Though we've never met physically, I feel that I know you and you are so special to me. My daughter called yesterday. My son, his partner, my grand daughter and boyfriend will be down day after tomorrow. I went to church this morning and have so many wonderful friends there - it was just brilliant xx

  2. Molly, I read this earlier on my iPod while at a Christmas party and couldn't sit down to write, but now I can tell you how sweet your words are and how glad I am to be part of your friends and loved ones. That's a might fine thing! Much love to you on this Christmas night. We'll party in the New Year!!

    I love you too and am so very glad to have you in my circle of friends. I always loved the book Anne of Green Gables and thought that when I grew old I'd still love a Diana to walk through the lanes of town with. I adore the walks on your blog and the beautiful pictures you post.

    Also, I pray your Dear Husband gets better very soon. It isn't right to be sick during the holidays. Take care!!

  3. Dear Amy,

    I think you are a very special, talented person and am hoping the new year will bring you more success. You are a terrific writer and your kindness and big heart show through all your posts. Mery Christmas to you and yours.

  4. Big kiss winging its way from over here... Best wishes.

  5. Compliments of the season, Amy. I bought myself a little night-light that projects the solar system onto the ceiling. They're not all that popular with boys my age but I've wanted one since I turned 63. It's really cool!

  6. Happy Christmas to you too. Hope all goes well in 2013 too.

  7. And a safe and happy season to you. I asked relatives who wanted to to buy books for my granddaughters this year. There were some duplicates, which will be cheerfully regifted to other granddchildren. And I spent a couple of hours rereading From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.

  8. I adore WiDo publishing. They've really made a great group of authors! I can see my TBR pile growing for that publsihing house alone!!! Your book is one of them!!

    As for things I bought for myself. Two MG novels and the third season of Vampire Diaries!


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