Monday, December 24, 2012


I know I'm cheating and posting a lot of videos, but sometimes I just don't feel like injecting the world with my inner thoughts and views on politics. Anyway, it's Christmas. Time to sit around by the fire and watch Youtube. Right?


  1. Very funny. I like! I'm just off to deliver presents (dressed in Santa suit).

  2. I have got two cats just like him - have a lovely day tomorrow xx

    1. The guy who created this seems to know cats all too well, haha. You have a lovely day too, Molly. Lots of love to you!


  3. Beautiful composition. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of joy with your loved ones. Leovi.


On Disney + 'Let it Be' is released once more for Beatles fans old and new

What’s there to say about the new release of the old ‘Let it Be’ originally directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg with enhancements by Peter Jack...