Sunday, October 13, 2013

Choices, choices . . .

I took the kids to an enchanted forest yesterday. The weather was spectacular, just the way you'd want it to be for such an outing. There were fairies, witches, magicians . . . right now in eastern Kansas the leaves are on the verge of their fall transformation; if we go back in a week or so, the whole place will be full-on red and gold. 

I found the above sign, which Liam is staring so intently at, to be quite funny. Poor Liam is thinking very hard, isn't he? Hate to tell him life is a lot like that. Some of the paths are obvious, others, not so much. But if it gets you to where you want to go, good job, you chose the right path. 

You can check out more photos from our walk in my Flickr photostream

Thanks for stopping by! Peace.


  1. The photo is priceless. Although you cannot see it, I'm sure his mouth is a little open. But the curled fingers at his chest say it all. Dilemma.

    1. It should say trial. So much deliberation going on.

  2. And nothing downwards.... That's probably a surreptitious sign.

    1. Personally I hope he goes down the right path, haha.

  3. Was the top logo with the radial lines rotating round and round as it waited to load up, like on my computer?

  4. They do look like that, now that you mention it!

  5. Love your pic of Liam. The only way is up


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