Friday, January 17, 2014

My week in pictures

I'm proofreading and all that, so not much out of me these days. Plus I've had two kids with the stomach flu. Stressed. Breathe. Just, breathe. But I did have time to take a few photos.

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!


  1. Amy, hope your two are better now. You've been having a busy time. Liam looks like he is having a lot of fun in the snow ( we haven't had any here yet, But I don't know how far away it is) and Miss Julia is enjoying her soak. Have a lovely weekend as well xxx

    1. They are better, thank you. Wishing you some snow! There's still time left this winter so you just might get some, though we didn't get more than a dusting the year before last.

  2. Nice pictures! I still haven't finished reading your stuff, but I will let you know when I have. I love it already, though.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Tom! Very nice to hear something good was shining through the mess of a manuscript I sent you last year. Glad you liked the pictures too.

  3. I loved your pictures, Amy. Two children with the flu is difficult and I am glad to hear they are doing better.


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