Monday, July 7, 2014

Marching On

It's hard to believe Summer Break is half over. I refuse to accept it! Most of mine has been spent with the kids, watching them swim and taking them to the park. I've also been writing a lot, as usual. I do that in the mornings before they wake up, and then simmer over what will happen in my next writing session throughout the day. As usual, I'm dreading the start of school because it means an empty house. But I'm also looking forward to it . . . because it means an empty house. I always feel guilty about that! The truth is, I write more when the kids are around. My schedule is jacked up, yes, but my heart is in one piece. But, hey, don't tell anyone I said that!

The other day WiDo sent a message to tell me The Time Seekers is about to get a cover. Probably one of the most exciting times for any writer. Seriously, it's like Christmas! A nice reward after all that hard work. It's my first real time travel novel, and to understand the significance of that, you have to know how much I love Jack Finney. LOVE Jack Finney. Then you'll know how much it means, and why I worked so hard to make this book just right. Time will tell if I was actually able to achieve that goal (see what I did there?). Can't wait to see the cover.

Speaking of time, I'm going to step back to the summer of 2009 when I first came up with the idea for The Soul Seekers. Maybe one of the happiest eras of my life. I was completely devoted to the story and the characters: Emma, William and Jesse. I'd always wanted to write, but nothing had ever grabbed me quite like this. I became Emma and I could hear and feel every part of Springvale around me that summer. It was magical. For people who have read the book, I think that joy comes across. And I think it comes through in The Time Seekers, where I continue Emma's life through college and marriage and all the tough decisions in this crazy thing we call life. She goes through a lot, that girl, and I'll admit I have cried at times for what I've put her through. If that makes me weird, so be it. Although, I have a feeling I'm not the only one who gets lost in their characters!

Some of you have been dealing with some wild weather this summer. I hope all is well. Here's to a beautiful rest of the season. Anyone reading anything spectacular right now? I'd love to hear about it.

My offspring when I took them on a tour of a small Kansas town. Photographic proof that you can't make both happy at the same time.


  1. Can't wait to see the cover and read the book!

    And your kids are cute, smiling or not.

    1. I can't wait to see it too! However, I could do without reading the book again.

      Thanks for the kind words about mah kiddos!

  2. I love the astute observation on kiddos! Keep the knees dirty for another six weeks!

    1. Yep! They're having a good summer, even if Julia's face belies a difference of option.

  3. Hi, Amy.

    Couldn't find another "contact" for you, so sending a message here in hopes you'll receive it. :)

    I have featured several of Wido’s authors on my blog, I noticed you published a book with them (“The Soul Seekers”) and that you have another one coming soon (“The Time Seekers”) and I would love to feature you!

    I have a regular section where writers talk about their challenges of staying well (both physically and emotionally) while pursuing the writing life. I ask you to answer seven questions about your experience, and I include all pertinent links for your book and cross-promote on Linked In, Twitter, and Google Plus.

    Please let me know if you'd be interested. You can find samples of the features in the “Writers on Wellness” category on the site.

    Thank you!


    Colleen M. Story

    1. Thanks for contacting me, Colleen. I'll send you an email today!

  4. They both look very sophisticated; but one slightly more aloof than the other.

    1. I asked Julia why she didn't smile, and she explained she was going for elegant. Goofy kid.

  5. It sounds like you are in a very good place now and good things are coming your way. I read your first book and look forward to The Time Seekers.

    That is a wonderful picture of your children. Cherish the time with your offspring; childhood goes by so quickly.


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