Saturday, February 1, 2014

All sorts of beautiful Saturday

So, we've all made it to February and that means . . . well, what does it mean? Where I live it means another month of winter at least. I choose to find joy in the simple things—things that keep me fully grounded. Things like . . . cats. And sunrises. And listening to Paul Simon at seven thirty in the morning. It's a good life. A beautiful life. Anyway, here are a few pictures of my beautiful life.


  1. I declare, it took me a while to find the cat under the face of the young girl --seventh photo down. I like pictures that measure themselves out to the observer and you have accomplished the technique admirably.

  2. Love these pictures, Amy. Have a beautiful Sunday.

  3. Taking joy in daily simple pleasures is the key to happiness.

  4. You're a writer and a cat person! lol Who would have thought?


On Disney + 'Let it Be' is released once more for Beatles fans old and new

What’s there to say about the new release of the old ‘Let it Be’ originally directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg with enhancements by Peter Jack...