Friday, April 11, 2014

The Time Seekers

A few weeks ago I mentioned writing a blog about my newest novel, The Time Seekers, and have only just gotten to it now. It's been a process, this book. Loved the idea, hated the execution. I think by the time I started the first draft I had grown tired of the whole paranormal genre, but the story required me to delve into that mind frame regardless. The book's middle section has been revised many, many times. I just could not get it right. I've heard of the sequel curse, but this was tough.

What I had to remember, though, was a story is never about a genre or any tricks you magically pull from the air, it is about the characters and their journey. Once I came to that mindset I was able to move ahead. I feel like now, finally, there is a great story within the paranormal.

Emma and William weren't perfect for each other after all. William, a ghostly relic from the 1950's, has difficulty adapting to the 1980's. There's also the problem of Emma not being able to get over Jesse's death. She carries the guilt of leaving him that night in the caves, and this guilt causes her to pull away from what would otherwise be such a beautiful relationship with William. Sounds like real life, if you don't count the ghost/cult stuff!

There was another element in the novel which had me in a brain-knotā€”do I alter a major 'real' event in history or keep it the same? People can get mighty pissed off when you mess with history. Especially when it comes to famous rock stars! To be honest, I didn't even choose at the end. I let the story lead me to that scene and whatever happened, happened. I worried about it, but now it's out of my hands. I'm clean . . .

The Time Seekers is in its fourth round of edits. The process, to be vetted by someone who knows the ins and outs of molding a perfect book, is wonderful yet painful. But I love it. My hopes are people will enjoy the book because, despite what I've said about any difficulty I had in writing it, The Time Seekers was enjoyable for me in so many ways. I loved revisiting Emma and William. And . . . hmm, you just never know who else is going to show up! Btw, I've written the third book, and so there's more time-travel goodness on the way. Emma goes from New York to Paris to Aspen, Colorado, then back to New York, 1980, 1963, 1988 . . . It's rock n roll and love and magic.

Peace and Smiles. Take care.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Words and Whips

So, you want to be a writer, eh? Well let me tell you something, little squirt, it ain't for the weak. Think you're great at it? Don't we all. Have you ever had to rip apart a million sentences until your fingers bled? Aha! Okay, I haven't either, but it sure feels like it. Edit number three is back and I feel a bit sick. This is hard work. Mental childbirth. Where's my epidural?

I've been informed that I use the word 'that' way too much. Who knew? I was just writing all happy-like and then 'that' just ruined my life. Oh, I also use 'just' too much. Is there any word I can use that isn't going to get me in trouble? I'm a bit paranoid now. Words, words. You nasty buggers.

So, if you don't hear that much of me in the near future, it's probably because I've had the passive writer whipped out of me. Don't worry. Don't call anyone. I'll be just fine . . .

Have a good one and take care of your beautiful self today!


There's been chatter online about the new documentary on Hulu called Brats led by 1980s teen heartthrob Andrew McCarthy. Centered around...