Monday, September 3, 2012

Rock me a little while

This song has been in my head for the last few days. I can't do dishes, laundry or anything without it creeping in. When it does, I have to turn on the record player and dance around.

Hope there's no stinking commercials when you (if you) click.

Sometimes, no joke, I feel like I was born with rock and roll in my blood. And I mean that by saying, no substance, no sunlight, no food, no body, no nothing can wake me up and make my blood flow like good music.


  1. I feel like that very often. I think I was born in the wrong decade.

    1. When I get my time machine I'm taking you for a ride.

  2. I don't listen to music on the computer ~ It's my age, I guess. I was the last one to change from B&W to color TV and I don't have any pads, phones or anything else around here that begin with an "i" ~ So I'm just stopping by to say hello and hope that you and your family are having a nice Labor Day.

    1. I hope you're having a fine holiday as well, Inger. It's back to the hustle tomorrow again.

  3. Always enjoyed that group. Mrs. Doobie had 6 fine boys.

  4. So true! Gotta love that rock n' roll.



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