Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's Gonna Be a Ball at the Ball

My wonderful and dear friend, Cro Magnon, has invited me to join his entourage at the upcoming Willow Ball, September 30th. I'm going to try really hard to hitch a ride on the internet express to get there. I might have to stay a couple of nights at strangers' blogs before I can reach my destination, but I WILL get there! Anybody have a spare comment box I can sleep in, just for a night or two? Thanks!

My date is still unconfirmed, but I've been communicating with some long lost friends and they all thought it would be okay if we went together as a group. It'll be the Dead Rock Club with me as the human host and spiritual translator. Buddy Holly, Bobby Darin, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, George Harrison, Edie Cochran, Gene Vincent, Freddie Mercury, and the sweet, smooth Ricki Nelson (sigh). Yeah, there's no girls in this club. I sent an invitation to Janis Joplin, but she was a little busy sorting things out with Mama Cass. One of them had borrowed the other's dress and there was a slight tiff over that. I'm sure we'll work it out before the ball.

Well, it should be fun. There's so much to be done so I'm off. Take care!

I love Rick Nelson!!!!


  1. I know it was simply a typing error, but do make sure you've got it down as the 30th (not 20th).

    My goodness, all those wonderful dance partners! Your little dance card will be filled before you arrive. The only group I ever played in did bad versions of Buddy Holly, Gene Vincent, and Eddie Cochran numbers, so I look forward to meeting them.

    1. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $1,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $20,000. Mike Fisher Hackers is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from Mike Fisher Hackers today! *email



There's been chatter online about the new documentary on Hulu called Brats led by 1980s teen heartthrob Andrew McCarthy. Centered around...