Monday, April 18, 2011


O is for OPEN. NOW that you've decided to step forward, you must OPEN that door. What happens when you finally decide to act on a dream? Bad things happen, right? Sometimes. Lots and lots of failure, with lots and lots of hard work. Sometimes it seems like it can't be worth it. Wouldn't it be better to go back to the old days of sitting comfortably in a chair pretending you're working on a dream? No one would be able to hurt you, judge you. You can sit and dream endlessly and never have to feel the pain of rejection. Well . . . there's always that option. But what happens when someone else finds your idea and they make it happen, they get the glory, they find success? All because you were afraid of failure.

Dreams are the ingredient to ideas. Ideas need action. Action takes work. Work brings failure. Failure leads to success. OPEN the door and get started.


  1. My late mother was a great optimist. She was convinced that everything in your life happens for the better; even the occasional failure.

    There's a lot to contemplate in what you write!

  2. Great post....thanks for the kick in the butt.

  3. Numerous emotions swirl as you see a door that you are about to open. Anticipation, fear of failure, risk, success. Doesn't matter. I'm opening it because I'm nosey.

  4. Oh I loved this Amy! Girl you are too talented! Loved this and now I'm going to go open the door and kick butt!

  5. Cro- Your mother sounds like a wonderful gal. I secretly love optimists, it's a nice, thing to be.

  6. MBJ- Swack* : )

    Stephen- Curiosity is a good key to open the door!

    Jen- Yay! Thank you Jen : )

  7. Wouldn't it be better to go back to the old days of sitting comfortably in a chair pretending you're working on a dream? No one would be able to hurt you, judge you. You can sit and dream endlessly and never have to feel the pain of rejection.

    Is this a description of blogging LOL?

  8. Karen- No it isn't, though I'm sure I've felt that way at times, haha.

  9. As you get older, you realize what was lost by negativity, procrastination and fear. Life can only be well-lived when you welcome the unknown and go for it. I believe in positive thinking and the power it can bring to us all. I drove my kids crazy with my mantra, yes I can, yes I can.

  10. Thanks for this, Amy. It's so true - no door stays closed forever, it's up to us to open it (or at least knock).



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