Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Just wanted to let you know my mom has a book out on Kindle of short stories called First Dates. It's a nice mixture of crime and romance, with a bit of humor thrown in. Give it a look if you have some time. I think I'll do an interview soon. Do you hear that, Mom? She's jumping up and down now.

Here's the link.

I'll be back later after the morning has settled down!


  1. So, it's all in the family, eh? Ain't genetics wonderful!

  2. How cool is that! I need another writer in my family. Can I borrow your Mom?

  3. haha! How wonderful. I don't own a Kindle, but if it's ever out in paperback let me know! :o) Congrats, Geraldine!

  4. Thanks all. Mom has written for awhile now, and really enjoys it. I love her story about Adam and Eve!

  5. Oh - so that's where you get it from? Good luck, Amy's mum.

  6. Thanks for giving mom the well wishes. Appreciate it!

  7. Amy - fantastic! I haven't got a Kindle either but would love to read the paper back version. Lots of congratulations to your Mom x

  8. Like mother, like daughter, two talented people. How nice you inherited her gift.



There's been chatter online about the new documentary on Hulu called Brats led by 1980s teen heartthrob Andrew McCarthy. Centered around...