Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, Why?

So, I still exist in this crazy world. And I have a book coming out. That's hard to believe sometimes. I'll be busy doing dishes and laundry, taking the kids somewhere, making lunch and then it will hit me: I'm about to be published. Wow. It doesn't seem real, and it doesn't seem like I even wrote the book, but I know I must have because there are vague, watery memories of countless edits. Still, did I?

Picasso has left the building. She went with my niece, Rose, who has informed me that Picasso is happy and doing fine. Three kittens that are still around—might be here forever, I don't know. The longer they stay, the more attached I get. Coco, who I thought might end up in a barn, is now working her way toward favorite kitty status by doing a nightly catwalk behind everyone's head on the couch, butt rubbing all our napes in purring joy. Plus, she's just so darn cute. Like Sylvester cat. Then there's the Bat Cat, Opera, who loves a nice lap and is so calm and sweet (but don't get near her when she's eating 'cause she will fuff your head off). Camille/Bruce/Sonic (no one can decide on a name, but we do now accept she's a he) doesn't like to be picked up, but has a nice nature. I heard actual purring this morning when I petted his back, so there's hope for the little guy.

The hall is for play. They run up and leap in the air, scare each other, hunt, stalk; backs curl up and the hair rises. Hop, hop, hop to the side, tails fluffed out. It's fun to watch.

Somebody keeps missing the litter box. Somebody keeps leaving random poops in random places. I'm trying to figure who that somebody is.

And as for me, I want to go to Lucas, Kansas and see the huge toilet sculpture which opened recently. Plus there is a whole folk art statue things going on there that I've always been curious about, the Garden of Eden.

That's about it. The Arcs for The Soul Seekers won't be available until late June now, so I need to email some folks today. How are things for you?


  1. Those little kitties are getting their paws wound around your heart.

    1. I wanted to let you know that lately I haven't been able to comment on your blog. Not sure if it's my computer or Google, but It's not me ignoring you! Just thought you should know. I'll keep trying, though.

  2. I am really looking forward to being able to get a copy of your book! It must be so wonderful to have done this and I am so excited for you.

    In the meantime, I do believe you have become kitten besotted!

    1. Thank you! And yes, I have become the cat lady, lol.

  3. Oh, they can so easily purr their ways into your life. My suggestion though is to find a home for the guilty party who is not choosing the litter box.

  4. I hate finding random poops! haha. My dogs do that occasionally, too. Very exciting about your's coming fast! :)

    1. Dachshunds are bad about leaving poop surprises, in the worst places too. Doorways, dark halls, the top step of a stairwell, in the closet. I should be an expert at this by now, but it's always a shock, haha.

  5. I had no idea there was a toilet sculpture in Kansas, but I guess you learn something new everyday. :)

    Congrats on your book!

  6. A toilet sculpture? Okay...

    Congrats on your upcoming book, Amy.

  7. If my dogs do that (leave presents for me), I always know it's my fault for not having taken them out for a late night walk. With cats it's their own wretched fault.... no question. I like your Facebook pic.

    1. I'm going to need a bigger litterbox probably. Maybe that's the message from the little presents!

  8. I bet Julia and Liam love the kittens - even if the naughty one does leave you little 'presents' here and there. Exciting time as the publishing date gets nearer. Love your Facebook photo.

    1. They do, it can get pretty wild around here : )

  9. Dear Amy, I'm so pleased and delighted for you that your work is being published and also that you and the kitten are bonding. Yesterday I did a guest post on Arlee's blog I I wrote about how difficult getting published the traditional way is today. I'm so glad you broke through the ceiling! Peace.



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